In our campaign “Partners of HBI C-Flex”, we are introducing the team members of each partner and their tasks in our project continuing with the team from the ArcelorMittal Maizières Research Center.
ArcelorMittal is a worldwide leader in the steelmaking field. It has around 154, 000 employees and has a presence in 16 countries. The company counts 11 research centres where more than 1500 full-time researchers work. Maizières Research Center has more than 600 employees and the main activities are focused on the development of new steels for automotive and packaging, wire and bars and the improvement and development of fabrication processes.
The HBI C-Flex team of ArcelorMittal Maizières Research Center is responsible for the coordination of WP3 “Experimental ore reduction, hot briquetting, and HBI reoxidation studies”. Their focus of work lies on the reduction trials and the quality analysis of the DRI produced. The following team members are responsible for carrying out these tasks: Francisco Carranza, Yann Graz, Yann Maurice, Aurelian Lagadic and Oleksandr Nechyporuk.
Francisco Carranza coordinates the activities as well as carrying out the technical analysis of the results.
Yann Graz supports with his experience in lab tests and proposes different ways to achieve the expected products required for the project.
Yann Maurice together with Aurelian Lagadic carry out the lab tests in our installations.
Oleksandr Nechyporuk contributes to the project by supporting decision-making processes to defining equipment modifications, designing experiments, and provides management decisions.
The team of the ArcelorMittal Maizieres Research Center is happy to know the work done within this project will have an impact on the safe handling and transport of briquetted iron as well as for future decarbonised steel production.
Do you want to know more about this partner? Visit ArcelorMittal Maizières Research Center here: https://france.arcelormittal.com/innovation/r-et-d