On 8th February 2024, we virtually met for our 10th HBI C-Flex Status meeting to discuss the progress of the project. Work package leaders shared recent achievements, ongoing efforts and upcoming tasks fostering an environment of collaboration and progress. Partners from our supportive advisory board gained insights into current work and contributed valuable knowledge to the project enriching our discussions.  We are grateful for the dedication and expertise of all involved.

Below you can find our agenda of the meeting:

  • WP1 Project managment and coordination – K1-MET
  • WP2 Design of the HBI production and reoxidation processes – MUL
  • WP3 Experimental ore reduction, hot briquetting and HBI reoxidation studies – AMMR
  • WP4 Process analysis and product quality evaluation – VASL
  • WP6 Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication – K1-MET



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